
Build strategically creative and engaging solutions that yield measurable results.


Create the best, smartest and most engaging work we can. Always.


Study Up.

Get to know our partners and their customers. Our clients are our extended family and their challenges become our creative solutions.

Work Smart.

Stop, think & strategize from a different angle. Ask questions. Build smarter, not harder.


We’re all in this together. Trust the team.

Do Good.

We believe in doing good for not only our clients but for everything around us. We aim to leave the world around us better than we found it.

Have Fun.

Life is too short to be grumpy. If it’s fun, it’s not work.

Our People

We’re a collection of energetic problem solvers hell-bent on creating insight-driven solutions that yield measurable results for our clients.

Andrew Tumang

Andrew Tumang

User Experience Designer | EST 2022
Angela Jacobs

Angela Jacobs

Senior Project Manager | EST 2022
Arnaldo "AJ" Jimenez

Arnaldo "AJ" Jimenez

Design Director
Bill Karbler headshot

Bill Karbler

Partner / Director of Client Services
Catherine Redhead

Catherine Redhead

Senior HR / Office Manager
Derek Fuenning

Derek Fuenning

Jake Thompson

Jake Thompson

Senior Art Director
Kayla Mazanetz

Kayla Mazanetz

Senior Art Director
Leo Paduch headshot

Leo Paduch

Director of Growth & Operations
Megan Shaw

Megan Shaw

Natalie Friel

Natalie Friel

Junior Marketing Strategist
Nick Wendelboe

Nick Wendelboe

Digital Media Strategist
Patrick Bensi

Patrick Bensi

Senior Copywriter
Sarah Kucinski

Sarah Kucinski

Product Owner
Sophia Llamas

Sophia Llamas

Sophie Fugate

Sophie Fugate

Junior Designer

Join Us /

One of us got stabbed in the arm by a girl named Valerie. One of us cheated on a religion test. One of us has an IMDB page. Find out how to be "one of us" below. (extra points for random facts)